Abhay Enviro Engineering, adopting the world’s best technology for best Water treatment solutions.

Biological Treatment Plants

Prominent & Leading Manufacturer, we offer Membrane Bioreactor Plant and Biological Treatment.

Membrane Bioreactor Plant

Membrane separation processes have very important role in separation industry. This processes differ based on separation mechanisms and size of the separated particles. The widely used membrane processes used by us are: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis.

There are many significant advantages to using membranes for industrial processes. For the specific process we had specific plants namely:

  • Micro Filtration Plants(MF)
  • Ultra Filtration Plants(UF)
  • Nano Filtration Plants(NF)
  • Reverse Osmosis Plants(RO)

Biological Treatment

  • Bench scale test equipments includes
  • Fixed film upflow biotowers (aerobic and anaerobic)
  • Activated sludge system
  • Trickling filters.

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